Sports NGO

Talking about it
Play and sport are great educational tools to bring a concept of education and to teach young people the fundamental values to live well in society. I had the chance to travel once to Kosovo and Burundi. Defending educational values, the common interest and living together through play and sport is a very good way to raise awareness of people who have a sometimes difficult path depending on the country in which they live or the situation of their family.
[I'm] proud to give my day to PLAY International. 2 exceptional courses, 2 unforgettable experiences for a cause that is so dear to my heart. The education of children through sport is real life!
Education through sport is a way to convey a lot of things and not just performance, difficulty and surpassing oneself. For example disability. And PLAY International knows how to change the perspective of disability through Playdagogy and understand for example children that a blind person is someone exactly like you except that it lacks the view.
I discovered playdagogy and being in the field and seeing a session where children listen, are very disciplined and especially participate, it's great
Being an athlete makes sense when you pass it on to young people. Sport is more than a game, it transcends differences, creates strong links between peoples, cultures, genres ..
Sport brings a lot to life every day. It teaches you to be social, to do teamwork and discipline. This report to effort can't be found elsewhere. Programs such as Playdagogy Active school make it possible to move things, we must act.