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Sport, refugees and social inclusion in Ile de France, the network is growing!

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Within the framework of the European program promoting the social inclusion of refugees through sport, PLAY International, together with Sport et Citoyenneté, leads a network of actors working with asylum seekers and refugees in the Ile-de-France region. In total, more than 50 structures met during the first two workshops organized last December and February.

The objective? To create and animate regular exchange times that facilitate contacts, the creation of bridges between the actors in order to encourage the creation of common solutions.


Indeed, on the one hand, sports associations that develop activities open to refugees are more and more numerous, and on the other hand, shelters wish to involve their residents in diversified sports activities.


The ambition to create such a network is based on the observation that sports actors and accommodation centers share the same desire to make sport a tool facilitating the social inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers. A space of time and meeting is however necessary to support and reinforce existing initiatives, identify common obstacles and try to lift them collectively.



The network's primary objective is to promote meetings between actors. Among the network's associations, we can mention Kabubu, which organizes many activities currently online in the current health context (basketball, boxing, soccer, running, gym, yoga, hip hop), Athlétic Coeur de Fond, which organizes training sessions every Saturday morning, or the FSGT's "from bat to climb" project, and Emmaüs Solidarité, whose objective is to exchange sports and cultural practices between exiles and French people: on the one hand the discovery and practice of cricket by people from the subcontinent, and on the other hand the initiation to climbing by climbers affiliated to the FSGT 75.









Each member of the network is invited to share its concrete problems but also its resources, as the FSGT was able to do at the workshop on February 10 by presenting the solidarity map, a tool that lists the structures accessible to exiled people near their place of residence, in the Ile-de-France region but also in Occitanie. The members of the network were invited to enrich this map collectively so that the maximum number of structures are present for the benefit of all.


In the longer term, the objective of this network is to contribute to removing the obstacles to the social inclusion of refugees through sport by bringing a common voice to the problems encountered by the actors. At present, among the recurring issues, the question of covering the cost of licenses, accessibility to the fields or the provision of sports equipment and materials are shared.

You too, join the network, participate or even co-construct with us the next workshops!
Next workshop: April 7, 2021




FSGT 75, Kabubu, Athlétic Coeur de fond, Coallia, France Terre d'Asile, Cycl'avenir, le CASP, l'EPEC, JoinHands, l'IRIS, Les Voisins Solidaires de Versailles, SOLIBAD, Fédération française de Badminton, Fédération française de Basket, l'Union des Etudiants Exilés, l'UCPA, Futbol Mas France, la Croix Rouge, Emmaus Solidarité, Aurore, le Cdos 93, Up Sport !