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Promotion of gender equality

This sequence allows Cycle 3 students to reflect on the differences between girls and boys, to question their stereotypes in order to get to know themselves better, make autonomous choices, and thus contribute to a more egalitarian society.

Download the kit (4.25 MB)


Definitions and concepts

A stereotype is a false, reductive and preconceived idea associated with a group of people. Gender stereotypes are used to refer to representations that reduce female or male identity to a certain number of roles, behaviours and characteristics. They may tend to influence individuals or force them to comply with them.


A prejudice is a quick judgment, made of a person or group of people without knowing them. It is to judge "before knowing". Prejudice is based on preconceived ideas (stereotypes). It can be reinforced by life experiences or the environment. 


To discriminate is to treat a person or group unfairly and less favourably in a comparable situation. When we discriminate against someone for their sex (because it is a man or a woman), we are talking about gender discrimination.

Jeune fille jouant au basket durant une séance de Playdagogie.




Sex and gender are two quite distinct concepts, and to be distinguished. The first concerns physical, biological and anatomical characteristics, while the second is the result of a social construction. Sex is a categorization of individuals according to natural attributes and physiological capacities inherent in reproduction. The categorization "male" and "female" is therefore part of it.


Gender, on the other hand, represents socially determined roles based on the sex to which one belongs. This applies not only to behaviours, activities, but also to attributes or characteristics that a society considers appropriate for a particular gender.


The concepts "male" and "female" correspond to categories of "gender".


To enable students to combat gender stereotypes and contribute to gender equality, it is necessary to develop their critical thinking and thinking autonomy. Being able to identify gender stereotypes, whether one's own or those of others, means recognizing them by distanceing oneself from them. Moreover, to overcome them, it is a question of being able to deconstruct them, not to maintain them or encourage them.

Students need to be aware that everyone is different, far beyond their gender. The desires, motivations, characteristics do not depend on it at all. They can be brave, calm, mathematically gifted, love the sea, spaghetti or rap, whatever their sex. Thus, to feel fulfilled, to feel fulfilled, to do what they like, it is important that they can make their choices as independently as possible, regardless of the gender stereotypes that can influence them.


The subject with the children

The theme of promoting gender equality can be sensitive in several respects. It sometimes directly affects children's daily lives and can sometimes lead to the emergence of experienced and still painful situations. The teachers must therefore guarantee the emotional security of the children and transmit several elements before and during the play sequence. Above all, it is a question of allowing dialogue without judgment, of questioning children without ulterior motives about their feelings and representations, and of reminding them that we all have the same rights.

Des enfants pendant une séance de playdagogie sur la santé

They talk about it


At first, in this school and in my class in particular, football was only for boys. Now, in my class, they all play together and have fun. Boys are even the first to notice that girls are well placed, that they score.

Catherine MAZIER
Scool teacher

I liked it because it taught me to shoot better, to make better passes and not to say that the boys they know how to shoot and the girls, they don't know how to shoot.

11 years old

We understood that we can be mix, boys and girls. It is often thought that girls are less strong but it is only "clichés", girls too are strong.

11 years old



sco-kit egalite filles-garçons- 1 - Rôle de genre
Rôle de genre

Jeu traditionnel de balle aux prisonnier pour permettre aux élèves de faire la différence entre ce qui relève du sexe et ce qui relève du genre, pour mieux lutter contre ses propres idées reçues.

sco-kit egalite filles-garçons- 2 - Les médiablotins
Les Médiabolitins

Jeu collectif par équipes afin de permettre aux élèves d'identifier les stéréotypes genrés que diffusent les médias pour mieux se questionner et lutter contre. 

sco-kit egalite filles-garçons- 3 - Droit vers l'égalité
Droit vers l'égalité

Jeu traditionnel de passe à 5 pour permettre aux élèves de comprendre l’évolution des droits des femmes et de prendre conscience de la longueur et de la fragilité d’un tel processus.

sco-kit egalite filles-garçons- 4 - Pyra-mixte

Séance d'acrosport pour faire comprendre aux élèves que chacun a des caractéristiques propres,quel que soit son sexe, et que la mixité peut favoriser une meilleur coopération.

sco-kit egalite filles-garçons- 5 - Liberté de choix
Liberté de choix

Jeu collectif de balle pour permettre aux élèves de se fixer des objectifs et de faire des choix en fonction de ses ressources, de ses motivations.

sco-kit egalite filles-garçons- 6 - Les choix-ctivités
Les choix-ctivités

Séance d'athlétisme pour permettre aux élèves de reconnaitre ce qui les motive et leurs donne envie de pratiquer pour choisir une activité adaptée plutôt que subie.

Fiche thématique promotion de l'égalité filles garçons
Fiche thématique - égalité filles garçons

La fiche thématique Playdagogie Promotion de l’Égalité Filles-Garçons présente le contexte, les enjeux et les notions clés liés à la thématique pour accompagner les enfants.


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Pour aller plus loin

pour adultes


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L’école des genres

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L’égalité filles-garçons selon l’UNICEF

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Avec les enfants

1 jour, 1 question : C’est quoi l’égalité entre les filles et les garçons?

Voir la vidéo

Mon Petit Quotidien : égalité filles-garçons

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